This Is The Website In Support of Mark Sevi's Scriptwriting Classes.

INTRO CLASS is for those who have limited or no experience with scriptwriting.
Even if you've written a script or two you wil benefit from this class since it covers not just scriptwriting, but all aspects of writing and story. It's a programmed course to take you from zero to working on your original idea in eight weeks.
INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED CLASS is a workshop primarily.
Prerequisite is Intro Class attendance or approval of instructor.
Please use the CONTACT FORM for questions.
Your ongoing work is submitted for peer critique each week. Those who have taken the Intro Class move into a more extended-type of workshop that has some terrific fellow students who are also working on their original material.
We also break down a film each week in both classes and discuss plot, theme, character, etc.
Need More Info? Please use the contact form on this home page.
Praise For The Classes
The weekly workshops--often supplemented by a separate and optional "Office Hours"--are a great blend of instruction and practice. Students can write and submit sections of a screenpla... Read More
I am a writer, but Mark Sevi has helped mold me into a screenwriter. His course has been challenging, yet inspiring as I have learned to take critical feedback and apply it to my art form. He is consi... Read More
Mark's expertise and commitment to guiding his students is second to none. I gained the most valuable film structure knowledge combined with honest and candid feedback that I could’ve ever gotte... Read More
I tried to write a screenplay for about 40 years, (and I mean multiple, serious efforts), and I couldn't do it until I started working with Mark. This is my third time returning to the workshop since... Read More
Mark is a fantastic teacher. His classes are jam-packed with information, but never overwhelming; laying out complex theories simply and utilizing current works to demonstrate his points. In his semi... Read More
Mr. Sevi’s classes have been a tremendous help. Two things really define him and his classes, and those are expertise and heart. His expertise is evident, as his feedback is always helpful—he give... Read More
Mark is a tireless, insightful student of the craft, and his classes/workshops will make you a better screenwriter regardless of your previous experience in the industry. JBAD
Within the first 3 years of learning from Mark Sevi, and getting introduced to his network, I produced a feature film that's currently distributed on 12 streaming platforms and has been sold internati... Read More
Mark is truly a remarkable and passionate man in every way. For twenty years I have witnessed the impact of his life's work as a screenwriter, webmaster, podcaster, and teacher on thousands of his cli... Read More
I am so fortunate to be one of Mark’s students, or as he would refer to as being a part of a screenwriter’s “found family”. He actually cares what and who you’re writing about. Mark also has... Read More
Mark Sevi and I have been friends and sometime collaborators for many years. He is an engaging teacher with a distinct, on-point style in the craft of screenwriting. With his knowledge of the fundame... Read More
Every moment of time I have spent with Mark Sevi has been valuable and enriching. His class method of teaching is direct, logical, helpful, and inspirational in every sense; Mark will also spend time... Read More
I talk about how amazing Mark Sevi is to EVERYONE from aspiring screenwriters to veteran screenwriters and filmmakers! Mark is so passionate about teaching his students screenwriting! His students who... Read More
Enrolling in Mark's class was life-changing. His passion for storytelling and teaching is unparalleled. He provides you with the tools, methodologies, resources, feedback, and friendship to hone you... Read More
Mark is an amazing teacher, and I love the interaction with all the students in the class.
All Classes Are On Zoom.
February 6th - March 27th, 2025
Sessions Thursdays 6:30PM-9:30PM
You don't have to know anything about scriptwriting to take this class.
In eight, short weeks you will go from zero to working on your own script pages.
The class is formatted to help the student create pages immediately and then build on previous work to continue that growth in a fun, dynamic lecture and peer-driven workshop.
Students are given all the tools they need to understand and implement scriptwriting techniques each week.
<p><em>Due to pandemic and college closure, temporarily being offered privately</em></p>
January 14th - March 18th, 2025
10 Tuesday Sessions, 6:30PM - 9:30PM
Students in this class have continued from the Intro class, are continuing students from a previous semester of Intermediate Class, or possibly are new and have a finished script or some work in progress. In any case, the class focuses on workshopping material.
Join a terrific group of writers in a peer-review workshop directed by Mark in order to chisel your work each week into rock hard perfection.
Script pages are presented and reviewed EACH WEEK! Up to ten pages per session per student allows for a student to put through an entire script for review PER SEMESTER!
If you need specific information on:
- How to finish your script
- How to fix your script
- How to do anything script- or film-oriented This class is for you
Due to pandemic and college closure, temporarily being offered privately
Use This Shopping Cart to REGISTER and PAY For Classes via PayPal.
Paypal Accepts All Major Credit Cards In A Super Safe Environment.
No Financial Information is Gathered By This Website.
Unleash the Inner You!
Writing is a journey, an exploration, like when you first went to college or got married or started a new job. The difference is that writing is also a deep, inner journey to self-discovery; to places you couldn't touch but you always knew were there, hidden, just waiting to be expressed.
Orange Coast College and Irvine Valley College Department of Community Education offer a unique, not-for-credit and hands-on practical screenwriting course from professional screenwriter Mark Sevi (credits here) where students learn scriptwriting techniques and student work is evaluated in a dynamic workshop on the basis of both its artistic and commercial merit.
The courses are guided, the workshops fun, the learning exponential!

Stop thinking about writing that movie or TV series in your head and actually do it!

Mark Sevi is a professional screenwriter who has sold 34 scripts, 19 of which have been produced into film. One of this films, "Devil's Knot", is based on true events in West Memphis, Arkansas in the early nineties. It was released in 2014 starring Reese Witherspoon and Colin Firth. (IMDB)
He has been teaching for 15+ years and his classes have been featured in articles and seminars.
He is also the founder and president of the Orange County Screenwriters Association, a not-for-profit organziation that organizes film events and speakers and brings resources to all filmmakers in Orange County and beyond.